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Formation of the Stable Structural Analog of ADP-sensitive Phosphoenzyme of Ca2+-ATPase with Occluded Ca2+ by Beryllium Fluoride: STRUCTURAL CHANGES DURING PHOSPHORYLATION AND ISOMERIZATION*
Authors:Stefania Danko  Takashi Daiho  Kazuo Yamasaki  Xiaoyu Liu  and Hiroshi Suzuki
Institution:From the Department of Biochemistry, Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa 078-8510, Japan
Abstract:As a stable analog for ADP-sensitive phosphorylated intermediate of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase E1PCa2·Mg, a complex of E1Ca2·BeFx, was successfully developed by addition of beryllium fluoride and Mg2+ to the Ca2+-bound state, E1Ca2. In E1Ca2·BeFx, most probably E1Ca2·BeF3, two Ca2+ are occluded at high affinity transport sites, its formation required Mg2+ binding at the catalytic site, and ADP decomposed it to E1Ca2, as in E1PCa2·Mg. Organization of cytoplasmic domains in E1Ca2·BeFx was revealed to be intermediate between those in E1Ca2·AlF4 ADP (transition state of E1PCa2 formation) and E2·BeF3·(ADP-insensitive phosphorylated intermediate E2P·Mg). Trinitrophenyl-AMP (TNP-AMP) formed a very fluorescent (superfluorescent) complex with E1Ca2·BeFx in contrast to no superfluorescence of TNP-AMP bound to E1Ca2·AlFx. E1Ca2·BeFx with bound TNP-AMP slowly decayed to E1Ca2, being distinct from the superfluorescent complex of TNP-AMP with E2·BeF3, which was stable. Tryptophan fluorescence revealed that the transmembrane structure of E1Ca2·BeFx mimics E1PCa2·Mg, and between those of E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP and E2·BeF3. E1Ca2·BeFx at low 50–100 μm Ca2+ was converted slowly to E2·BeF3 releasing Ca2+, mimicking E1PCa2·Mg → E2P·Mg + 2Ca2+. Ca2+ replacement of Mg2+ at the catalytic site at approximately millimolar high Ca2+ decomposed E1Ca2·BeFx to E1Ca2. Notably, E1Ca2·BeFx was perfectly stabilized for at least 12 days by 0.7 mm lumenal Ca2+ with 15 mm Mg2+. Also, stable E1Ca2·BeFx was produced from E2·BeF3 at 0.7 mm lumenal Ca2+ by binding two Ca2+ to lumenally oriented low affinity transport sites, as mimicking the reverse conversion E2P· Mg + 2Ca2+E1PCa2·Mg.Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a),2 a representative member of the P-type ion transporting ATPases, catalyze Ca2+ transport coupled with ATP hydrolysis (Fig. 1) (19). The enzyme forms phosphorylated intermediates from ATP or Pi in the presence of Mg2+ (1013). In the transport cycle, the enzyme is first activated by cooperative binding of two Ca2+ ions at high affinity transport sites (E2 to E1Ca2, steps 1–2) (14) and autophosphorylated at Asp351 with MgATP to form the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme (E1P, step 3), which reacts with ADP to regenerate ATP in the reverse reaction. Upon this E1P formation, the two bound Ca2+ are occluded in the transport sites (E1PCa2). Subsequent isomeric transition to the ADP-insensitive form (E2PCa2), i.e. loss of ADP sensitivity at the catalytic site, results in rearrangement of the Ca2+ binding sites to deocclude Ca2+, reduce the affinity, and open the lumenal gate, thus releasing Ca2+ into the lumen (E2P, steps 4–5). Finally Asp351-acylphosphate in E2P is hydrolyzed to form the Ca2+-unbound inactive E2 state (steps 6 and 7). Mg2+ bound at the catalytic site is required as a physiological catalytic cofactor in phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and thus for the transport cycle. The cycle is totally reversible, e.g. E2P can be formed from Pi in the presence of Mg2+ and absence of Ca2+, and subsequent Ca2+ binding at lumenally oriented low affinity transport sites of E2P reverses the Ca2+-releasing step and produces E1PCa2, which is then decomposed to E1Ca2 by ADP.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Ca2+ transport cycle of Ca2+-ATPase.Various intermediate structural states in the transport cycle were fixed as their structural analogs produced by appropriate ligands such as AMP-PCP (non-hydrolyzable ATP analog) or metal fluoride compounds (phosphate analogs), and their crystal structures were solved at the atomic level (1522). The three cytoplasmic domains, N, P, and A, largely move and change their organization state during the transport cycle, and the changes are coupled with changes in the transport sites. Most remarkably, in the change from E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP (the transition state for E1PCa2 formation, E1PCa2·ADP·Mg) to E2·BeF3 (the ground state E2P·Mg) (2325), the A domain largely rotates by more than 90° approximately parallel to the membrane plane and associates with the P domain, thereby destroying the Ca2+ binding sites, and opening the lumenal gate, thus releasing Ca2+ into the lumen (see Fig. 2). E1PCa2·Ca·AMP-PN formed by CaAMP-PNP without Mg2+ is nearly the same as E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP and E1Ca2·CaAMP-PCP in their crystal structures (17, 18, 22).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 2.Structure of SERCA1a and its change during processing of phosphorylated intermediate. E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP (the transition state analog for phosphorylation E1PCa2·ADP·Mg) and E2·BeF3 (the ground state E2P analog (25)) were obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB accession code 1T5T (17) and 2ZBE (21), respectively). Cytoplasmic domains N (nucleotide binding), P (phosphorylation), and A (actuator), and 10 transmembrane helices (M1–M10) are indicated. The arrows on the domains, M1′ and M2 (Tyr122) in E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP, indicate their approximate motions predicted for E1PCa2·ADP·MgE2P·Mg. The phosphorylation site Asp351, TGES184 of the A domain, Arg198 (tryptic T2 site) on the Val200 loop (DPR198AV200NQD) of the A domain, and Thr242 (proteinase K site) on the A/M3-linker are shown. Seven hydrophobic residues gather in the E2P state to form the Tyr122-hydrophobic cluster (Y122-HC); Tyr122/Leu119 on the top part of M2, Ile179/Leu180/Ile232 of the A domain, and Val705/Val726 of the P domain. The overall structure of E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP is virtually the same as those of E1Ca2·CaAMP-PCP and E1PCa2·Ca·AMP-PN (17, 18, 22).Despite these atomic structures, yet unsolved is the structure of E1PCa2·Mg, the genuine physiological intermediate E1PCa2 with bound Mg2+ at the catalytic site without the nucleotide. Its stable structural analog has yet to be developed. E1PCa2·Mg is the major intermediate accumulating almost exclusively at steady state under physiological conditions. Its rate-limiting isomerization results in Ca2+ deocclusion/release producing E2P·Mg as a key event for Ca2+ transport. In E1Ca2·CaAMP-PCP, E1Ca2·AlF4·ADP, and E1PCa2·Ca·AMP-PN, the N and P domains are cross-linked and strongly stabilized by the bound nucleotide and/or Ca2+ at the catalytic site, thus they are crystallized (17, 18, 22). Kinetically, E1PCa2·Ca formed with CaATP is markedly stabilized due to Ca2+ binding at the catalytic Mg2+ site, and its isomerization to E2P is strongly retarded in contrast to E1PCa2·Mg (26, 27). Thus, the bound Ca2+ at the catalytic Mg2+ site likely produces a significantly different structural state from that with bound Mg2+.Therefore, it is now essential to develop a genuine E1PCa2·Mg analog without bound nucleotide and thereby gain further insight into the structural mechanism in the Ca2+ transport process. It is also crucial to further clarify the structural importance of Mg2+ as the physiological catalytic cation. In this study, we successfully developed the complex E1Ca2·BeFx, most probably E1Ca2·BeF3, as the E1PCa2·Mg analog by adding beryllium fluoride (BeFx) to the E1Ca2 state without any nucleotides. For its formation, Mg2+ binding at the catalytic site was required and Ca2+ substitution for Mg2+ was absolutely unfavorable, revealing a likely structural reason for its preference as the physiological cofactor. In E1Ca2·BeF3, two Ca2+ ions bound at the high affinity transport sites are occluded. It was also produced from E2·BeF3 by lumenal Ca2+ binding at the lumenally oriented low affinity transport sites, mimicking E2P·Mg + 2Ca2+E1PCa2·Mg. All properties of the newly developed E1Ca2·BeF3 fulfilled the requirements as the E1PCa2·Mg analog, and hence we were able to uncover the hitherto unknown nature of E1PCa2·Mg as well as structural events occurring in the phosphorylation and isomerization processes. Also, we successfully found the conditions that perfectly stabilize the E1Ca2·BeF3 complex.
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