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Food-web manipulations influence grazer control of phytoplankton growth rates in Lake Michigan
Authors:Dorazio, Robert M.   Bowers, James A.   Lehman, John T.
Affiliation:Department of Biology and Great Lakes Research Division, The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1048, USA
Abstract:Stocking piscivorous salmonids in Lake Michigan produced dramaticalterations in food-web structure, including higher numbersof large-bodied zooplankton (especially Daphnia pulicaria),lower summer chlorophyll concentrations and increased watertransparency. Experimental determinations of epilimnetic phytoplanktongrowth rates and of zooplankton grazing rates indicate thatherbivorous zooplankton controlled algal dynamics during thesummer of 1983 because grazers occupied the surface waters throughoutthe day. In 1985, however, both large- and small-bodied Daphniamade approximately equal contributions to total grazer biomass,and all grazers displayed pronounced diel vertical migrations,visiting epilimnetic waters only at night. This prohibited zooplanktonfrom controlling algal dynamics because grazing losses did notexceed phytoplankton growth rates. The changes in zooplanktoncommunity composition and behavior observed in summer 1985 probablyresulted from increased predation by visually orienting planktivorousfish, especially bloater chub (Coregonus hoyi). Effects of food-webmanipulations on phytoplankton dynamics were evident only duringJuly and August. During spring and early summer copepods dominateLake Michigan's zooplankton community. Owing to their smallbody size, copepods are less susceptible to fish predation andexhibit much lower filtering rates than Daphnia. Variabilityin zooplanktivorous fish abundance probably has little effecton phytoplankton dynamics during spring and early summer.
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