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Decrease in oxygen affinity of myoglobin by formylation of vinyl groups of heme.
Authors:M Sono  T Asakura
Abstract:Three kinds of green synthetic myoglobin were prepared by recombination of horse heart apomyoglobin with spirographis (2-formyl-4-vinyl-), isospirographis (2-vinyl-4-formyl-), and 2,4-diformyldeuterohemins. The optical and oxygen binding properties of the reconstituted myoglobins containing two isomeric monoformyl-monovinylhemins were found to be different. The oxygen affinities (P50) of spirographis and 2,4-diformylmyoglobins are 2.7 and 2.8 mm Hg, respectively, at 25 degrees, and about 2.5 times lower than that of native protomyglobin, while that of isospirographis myoglobin is 1.0 mm Hg and is similar to native myoglobin. Spirographis oxymyoglobin has absorption maxima (alpha, beta, and Soret bands) at 601, 556.5, and 435 nm, isospirographis oxymyoglobin at 595, 550, 429 nm, and 2,4-diformyl oxymyoglobin at 603, 563.5, and 447 nm. The optical red shifts as well as the decrease in the oxygen affinities of these myoglobins are attributed mainly to the presence of strongly electron-attractive formyl side chains. Since the free isomers of monoformyl-monovinyl heme have similar properties, the differences observed after recombination with apoprotein must be caused by interactions with apomyoglobins. The degree of such a protein effect may be estimated by comparing the absorption spectra of heme before and after recombination and was found to differ among the various myoglobins. Comparison of the oxygen affinities of the myoglobins taking account of this protein factor showed that the increase in the P50 values are inversely related to that in the pK3 values of the free porphyrins. These results suggest the involvement of pi bonding in determining the oxygen-iron bond strength.
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