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The Ultracytochemical Localization of ATPase Activity in the Ovules of Sunflower
Authors:He Cai-ping and Yang Hong-yuan
Abstract:The ultracytochemical localization of ATPase activity was determined employing the method of lead precipitation in the ovules of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). No ATPase activity is observed in the egg and synergids except some at the filiform apparatus. Much ATPase activity is localized on the plasma membrane and wall of the central cell. In the antipodal cells, ATPase activity is also found on the plasma membranes, but only a little in their walls. In the integumentary tapetum, besides the plasma membranes, most of the nuclei are rich in ATPase. Between the integumentary tapetum and uncontinuous cuticle surrounding the embryo sac, there is a gap where a lot of ATPase are found. These ATPases are continuously linked with those in the central cell wall throuth the intervals of the cuticle. At the sites of the wall ingrowths of the central celT, abundant vesicles and other structures with high ATPase activity aggregate noticeably in the gap region. According to the ATPase distribution in the ovules, we propose that the whole surface of embryo sac functions in absorbing nutrients directly from the apoplast outside the cuticle, especially via the wall-membrane apparatus of 'he central cell.
Keywords:ATPase   Ultracytochemlcal localization   Ovule   Embryo sac   Helianthus annuus L.  
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