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Fusion Experiments of Isolated Generative Cells in Several Angiosperm Species
Authors:Wu Xin-li and Zheu Chang
Abstract:The generative cells used for fusion experiments were isolated from pollen grains of Zephyranthes candida and Lycoris radiata by “2-step osmotic shock” and from those of Hippeastrum vittata, Hemerocallis minor and Iris tectorum by “weak enzyme treatment” as reported previously. Using PEG method, fusions have been successfully induced between generative cells of the same species mentioned above, between generative cells of Z. candida and L. radiata, between generative cells and petal protoplasts in L. radiata, and between generative cells of L. radiata and hypocotyl protoplasts of Brassica napus. In all cases either homokaryons or heterokaryons could be obtained. Fusion of nuclei was observed sometimes in homokaryons of generative cells in L. radiata. The generative nuclei in fusion products could be well identified by labelling the generative cells before fusion with DAPI. FDA test demonstrated that most of the fusion products were viable. Factors affecting fusion efficiency including cell density, PEG concentration, duration of PEG treatment and effect of calcium ions were studied in fusion of generative cells in Z. candida. Our experiments indicate that isolated generative cells are likely to be deprived of cell wails and may be regarded as a special kind of protoplasts for direct fusion experiments.
Keywords:Generative cell   Protoplast   Fusion   Zephyranthes candida   Lycoris radiata  
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