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The Sporo-Pollen Assemblage From Fuxian Formantion in Yulin-Hengshan Region,Shaanxi Province
Authors:Yan Cun-feng
Abstract:Eighty-eight species of spores and pollen referred to 66 genera including one new species from the Fuxian Formation in Yulin-Hengshan region of Shaanxi province have been studied. The sporo-pollen assemblage may be dividied into two subassemblages. The main characters are described as follows: There are 30.7% of spores of pteridophyta. The pollen grains of gymnospermae arno:rots for 69.3%. Among the spores, those of the genus of Deltoidospora (9.2%), Cyathidites (5.6%) and Undulatisporites (4.6%) are dominant, Among the pollen grains, those of the genus Classopoilis of Chiolepidiaceae is predominant (41.8%) and Chasmatosporites(6.1%) are comparatively abundant. Besides these, there are some other Jurassic common species found in the assemblage. Comparing with the known assemblages of other places, the author considers that the Fuxian Formation belongs to Early Jurassic Lias Series. The lower part of the formation might correspond the Hettangian stage or the Simemurian Stage It: the early Jurassic, the climate should be comparatively humid with flourishing vegetation in the early stage, and hot and arid in the middle-late stage.
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