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Indicative profundal oligochaete assemblages in selected small Swedish lakes
Authors:Milbrink  Göran  Timm   Tarmo  Lundberg   Stefan
Affiliation:(1) Department of Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Norbyv. 18D, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden;(2) Võrtsjärv Limnological Station of the Institute of Zoology and Botany, EE 61101 Rannu, Tartumaa, Estonia;(3) Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract:Fifty-seven small- to middle-size lakes of Sweden (size-range from <0.1 to about 200 km2) representing different regions and lake-types were selected for the purpose of demonstrating the indicative value of profundal oligochaete communities also of relatively small lakes. It is well known since previously that profundal oligochaete assemblages of large lakes in Europe may be particularly indicative of the current trophic situation, but little has been known about smaller lakes in this respect. Characterizations based on oligochaete community structure in these lakes could be summarized in eight different groups: Characteristic oligochaete communities in oligotrophic lakes of relatively small size are Spirosperma ferox, Stylodrilus heringianus and Tubifex tubifex. Oligochaete species richness is low (1–3 species) and so is species abundance (<300 specimens cdot m–2). Very eutrophic lakes of the same size-range are largely dominated by the tubificids Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and/or Potamothrix hammoniensis. Substitute or complementary species may be T. tubifex. Species richness is usually low (1–3 species), but abundance is high to very high (>5000 specimens cdot m–2). Mesotrophic to moderately eutrophic lakes of the same size categories contain more species than the above extremes, most of them being fairly tolerant to oxygene deficiency such as Tubifex ignotus, a number of species of the genera Aulodrilus and Limnodrilus and a variety of so-called Ponto-Caspian Potamothrix species, most of them having recently invaded south-eastern Sweden. Species richness is moderate to high (4–8 species), while abundance may vary considerably (range from about 300 to about 5000 specimens cdot m–2). In this respect, small- to middle-size lakes do not differ much from larger lakes. For the trophic characterization of lake water the mean concentrations of total-phosphorus (in mgrg cdot l–1) is generally regarded to be the most appropriate measure. The match between characterizations based upon oligochaete community structure and total-phosphorus concentrations is generally very good for large lakes. The present study shows that this applies fairly well also to the majority of the small- to middle-size lakes selected for this study. This has not been shown before. Obvious deviations from this rule could be caused by a scarcity of reliable chemical data, or considerable seasonal shifts in the chemical composition ot the water, which in its turn may be caused by short water residence time. Littoral elements in the fauna, which are generally less indicative, or effects of local inflows may also be more frequent here than in lakes of larger size.
Keywords:indicators  small lakes  Tubificidae  species assemblages  Sweden
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