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Resistance against Industrial Bacteriophages Conferred on Lactococci by Plasmid pAJ1106 and Related Plasmids
Authors:Audrey W. Jarvis   Howard A. Heap     Gaetan K. Y. Limsowtin
Abstract:Plasmid pAJ1106 and its deletion derivative, plasmid pAJ2074, conferred lactose-fermenting ability (Lac) and bacteriophage resistance (Hsp) at 30°C to Lac proteinase (Prt)-negative Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis recipient strains. An additional plasmid, pAJ331, isolated from the original source strain of pAJ1106, retained Hsp and conjugative ability without Lac. pAJ331 was conjugally transferred to two L. lactis subsp. lactis and one L. lactis subsp. cremoris starter strains. The transconjugants from such crosses acquired resistance to the phages which propagated on the parent recipient strains. Of 10 transconjugant strains carrying pAJ1106 or one of the related plasmids, 8 remained insensitive to phages through five activity test cycles in which cultures were exposed to a large number of industrial phages at incubation temperatures used in lactic casein manufacture. Three of ten strains remained phage insensitive through five cycles of a cheesemaking activity test in which cultures were exposed to approximately 80 different phages through cheesemaking temperatures. Three phages which propagated on transconjugant strains during cheesemaking activity tests were studied in detail. Two were similar (prolate) in morphology and by DNA homology to phages which were shown to be sensitive to the plasmid-encoded phage resistance mechanism. The third phage was a long-tailed, small isometric phage of a type rarely found in New Zealand cheese wheys. The phage resistance mechanism was partially inactivated in most strains at 37°C.
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