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A Correlation between Structure and Function in the Root of Zea mays
Authors:ANDERSON, W. P.   HOUSE, C. R.
Abstract:The exudation rates of fluid and potassium ions from isolatedmaize roots were determined before and after excision of certainlengths of root tip. The results of this study suggest thatexcised maize roots possess the ability to absorb potassium(and presumably chloride) ions and concomitant amounts of waterover a considerable distance (10 cm) from the tip. Moreover,the observed power of absorption of ions and water into thetranslocatory pathway decreases in passing from the tip towardsthe base of the root. Both light and electron microscope techniques were used to examinethe anatomy of primary roots similar to those used in the physiologicalexperiments. The principal observation was that the xylem vesselsnear the root tip contain membrane-bounded cytoplasm with organelles.The number of mature xylem vessels, i.e. without cytoplasm,progressively increased in transverse sections cut from 1 to10 cm from the root tip; above 10 cm from the root tip all ofthe xylem vessels were found to be completely mature. It isevident that prima facie a connexion exists between this singleaspect of root anatomy and fluid exudation from excised roots. The uptake of tritiated water by roots and its transport intoexudates was examined. These data were analysed on the assumptionthat the exchange of external labelled water with the exudatewas achieved by the fluid exudation itself; this analysis indicatedthat an operational volume, similar to that of the total xylemvolume within the root, must become labelled during the formationof the exudate.
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