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Structure of the N- and O-glycans of the A-chain of human plasma alpha 2HS-glycoprotein as deduced from the chemical compositions of the derivatives prepared by stepwise degradation with exoglycosidases.
Authors:H Watzlawick  M T Walsh  Y Yoshioka  K Schmid  R Brossmer
Affiliation:Institut für Biochemie II, Universit?t Heidelberg, Germany.
Abstract:The structure of the glycans of the A-chain of human plasma alpha 2HS-glycoprotein was established from the chemical compositions of its derivatives prepared by sequential enzymatic degradation of the carbohydrate moiety, from the determination of the kind and amount of the monosaccharides liberated after each step of the enzymatic digestion, and from the distinct specificity of the highly purified exoglycosidases. The exoglycosidases were three sialidases (Vibrio cholerae, fowl plague virus, and Arthrobacter ureafaciens), two beta-galactosidases (Streptococcus pneumoniae and bovine testis), one alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, one beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, and one alpha-mannosidase. Utilizing sialidases with different cleavage specificities, the number of alpha 2-3- and alpha 2-6-linked sialic acid residues could be separately determined. As to the beta-galactosidases, the enzyme isolated from S. pneumoniae cleaves only beta 1-4-linked galactose residues, whereas the bovine testes enzyme acts on both the beta 1-4- and beta 1-3-linked galactose residues. Jack bean beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase cleaves beta 1-2, beta 1-4, and beta 1-6 GlcNAc with higher activity for the beta 1-2. Jack bean alpha-mannosidase cleaves alpha 1-2, alpha 1-6, and alpha 1-3 Man with greater activity for alpha 1-2 and alpha 1-6. Bovine liver alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase cleaves O-linked GalNAc. On the basis of these results, the A-chain of alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein was found to possess two biantennary N-glycans and two O-linked trisaccharides.
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