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引用本文:赖平,王凭青,张宝云,储明星,刘重旭,谭颖,樊奇. 哺乳动物季节性繁殖的神经内分泌调节机制[J]. 遗传, 2012, 34(3): 281-288. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2012.00281
作者姓名:赖平  王凭青  张宝云  储明星  刘重旭  谭颖  樊奇
作者单位:1. 重庆大学生物工程学院, 重庆 400030 2. 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所, 中国农业科学院家养动物遗传资源与种质创新重点开放实验室, 北京 100193
摘    要:动物的季节性繁殖, 是指其繁殖活动从静止到复苏的一个年周期性循环。研究显示, kisspeptin和RFRP对繁殖的季节性变化具有重要作用。非繁殖期最显著的特点是雌激素对GnRH分泌的负反馈效应的增加, 而雌激素的这种效应是由kisspeptin神经元传导的。因此, kisspeptin是影响繁殖活动的一个重要因子。RFRP的表达依赖于褪黑激素的分泌并呈现出季节性变化, 在非繁殖期对繁殖活动的抑制作用非常明显。此外, 甲状腺激素在繁殖期的终止上发挥着至关重要的作用, 而多巴胺能神经元A14/A15也促进了雌激素负反馈效应的季节性变化。这些神经元系统通过协同作用一起调节了生殖功能随光周期的季节性转变。文章对繁殖的季节性和这4个神经内分泌系统之间的关系进行了系统的阐述。

关 键 词:kisspeptin  RFRP  甲状腺激素  多巴胺能神经元A14/A15  季节性繁殖  

The neuroendocrine regulatory mechanisms of mammalian seasonal reproduction
Affiliation:1. Bioengineering Institute of Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China 2. The Key Laboratory of Domestic Animal Genetic Resources and Germplasm Innovation of CAAS, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
Abstract:The seasonal reproduction of mammal means the reproduction experiences an annual period from quiescence to renaissance. Studies have shown that kisspeptin and RFRP play an important role in the reproductive seasonality. The non-breeding season is characterized by an increase in the negative feedback effect of estrogen on GnRH, and this effect is transmitted by kisspeptin neurons, which may be an important factor affecting the reproduction activities. The expression of RFRP depends on melatonin secretion, and shows an apparent inhibition on reproduction in non-breeding season. In addition, thyroid hormones influence termination of the breeding season. Dopaminergic neuron A14/A15 also contributes to the seasonal changes in estrogen negative feedback. These neural systems may synergistically modulate the seasonal changes of reproductive function with the photoperiod. This review makes a systematic expatiation on the relationship between sea-sonal reproduction and these neural systems.
Keywords:seasonal reproduction  kisspeptin  RFRP  thyroid hormones  dopaminergic neurons A14/A15  
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