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Morphometric analyses and new taxonomic circumscription of South American species of Flourensia (Asteraceae,Heliantheae, Enceliinae)
Authors:Juan C. Ospina  Lone Aagesen  Luis Ariza Espinar  Susana E. Freire
Affiliation:1. Inst. de Botánica Darwinion (ANCEFN‐CONICET), San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina;2. Inst. Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal‐Museo Botánico de Córdoba (CONICET‐UNC), Córdoba, Argentina
Abstract:Flourensia (Asteraceae, Heliantheae, Enceliinae) is an amphitropical genus of resinous subshrubs, shrubs and small trees with 13 North American and 20 South American species among which disagreement on the species limits of some members still exists. To resolve the taxonomy of the South American taxa, we carried out a combination of clustering (Ward's method with Gower distance coefficient) and ordination analyses (Principal Coordinate Analyses) based on 34 vegetative and reproductive characters scored from herbarium material, including types. Based on the results, we recognize 12 South American species: F. angustifolia, F. cajabambensis, F. fiebrigii, F. heterolepis, F. hirtissima, F. macrophylla, F. niederleinii; F. peruviana, F. polycephala, F. thurifera, F. tortuosa and F. suffrutescens. A number of species are placed in synonymy: Flourensia blakeana and F. hirta are synonymized under the name F. fiebrigii; Flourensia campestris, F. leptopoda, F. oolepis and F. riparia are synonymized under F. thurifera; Flourensia macroligulata is synonymized under F. tortuosa, and Flourensia polyclada is synonymized under F. suffrutescens. A taxonomic treatment of four redefined species as well as a key and distribution maps to all South American Flourensia species are provided.
Keywords:Compositae  cluster analysis  PCoA  Flourensia  integrative taxonomy  systematics
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