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On the special role of NCX in astrocytes: Translating Na+-transients into intracellular Ca2+ signals
Affiliation:1. State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China;2. College of Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
Abstract:As a solute carrier electrogenic transporter, the sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX1-3/SLC8A1-A3) links the trans-plasmalemmal gradients of sodium and calcium ions (Na+, Ca2+) to the membrane potential of astrocytes. Classically, NCX is considered to serve the export of Ca2+ at the expense of the Na+ gradient, defined as a “forward mode” operation. Forward mode NCX activity contributes to Ca2+ extrusion and thus to the recovery from intracellular Ca2+ signals in astrocytes. The reversal potential of the NCX, owing to its transport stoichiometry of 3 Na+ to 1 Ca2+, is, however, close to the astrocytes’ membrane potential and hence even small elevations in the astrocytic Na+ concentration or minor depolarisations switch it into the “reverse mode” (Ca2+ import/Na+ export). Notably, transient Na+ elevations in the millimolar range are induced by uptake of glutamate or GABA into astrocytes and/or by the opening of Na+-permeable ion channels in response to neuronal activity. Activity-related Na+ transients result in NCX reversal, which mediates Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space, thereby generating astrocyte Ca2+ signalling independent from InsP3-mediated release from intracellular stores. Under pathological conditions, reverse NCX promotes cytosolic Ca2+ overload, while dampening Na+ elevations of astrocytes. This review provides an overview on our current knowledge about this fascinating transporter and its special functional role in astrocytes. We shall delineate that Na+-driven, reverse NCX-mediated astrocyte Ca2+ signals are involved neurone-glia interaction. Na+ transients, translated by the NCX into Ca2+ elevations, thereby emerge as a new signalling pathway in astrocytes.
Keywords:Sodium  Calcium  Synapse  Neurone-glia interaction  Astroglial ionic excitability
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