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Heterochromatin of the Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome as modifier of position effect variegation: the time of its action.
Authors:Hans Joachim Becker and Wilfried Janning
Affiliation:(1) Zoologisches Institut der Universität München, Luisenstr. 14, D-8000 München 2, Federal Republic of Germany;(2) Zoologisches Institut der Universität Münster, D-4400 Münster, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Summary Addition of heterochromatin suppresses while subtraction enhances position effect variegation. The heterochromatin-sensitive period has been determined in white/white-apricot variegated eyes of YSwa/wa; Dp (1;3) w265-58 flies. When such larvae, carrying a Y-short (YS) arm at the distal end of one X chromosome, are X-rayed, mitotic recombination leads to one daughter cell with two YS arms and an adjacent daughter cell with no YS arm. When induced after clonal initiation, the frequency of dark clones developing from daughter cells with two YS arms is significantly higher than the frequency of dark clones in the rest of the eye; and this frequency is. even higher when induced before clonal initiation. The modifying action of the Y-heterochromatin is exerted, therefore, during and after clonal initiation. Surprisingly, the frequency of dark clones developing from cells with no YS arm is not lower than the frequency of dark clones in the rest of the eye.
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