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An enemy of your enemy is your friend: Impact of predators on aggregation behavior of gammarids
Authors:Łukasz Jermacz  Jagoda Andrzejczak  Emilia Arczyńska  Joanna Zielska  Jarosław Kobak
Affiliation:Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Abstract:Predation pressure may affect many aspects of prey behavior, including forming groups and changes in social interactions. We studied the aggregation behavior of competing gammarids Dikerogammarus villosus and Pontogammarus robustoides (Amphipoda, Crustacea) to check whether they modify their preferences for conspecifics or heterospecifics in response to predator (the racer goby Babka gymnotrachelus) kairomones in the presence or absence of stone shelters (alternative protection source). Both species exhibited preferences toward shelters occupied by conspecifics over empty shelters and conspecifics apart from shelters, suggesting that their aggregation depends not only on habitat heterogeneity, but also on their social interactions. Moreover, gammarids in the presence of shelters (safer conditions) preferred conspecifics over heterospecifics, but predator kairomones made them form aggregations irrespective of species. In the predator presence, P. robustoides increased its aggregation level only in the sheltered conditions, whereas D. villosus exhibited this response only in the absence of shelters, suggesting that this behavior can protect it against predators. Therefore, we tested the antipredator effectiveness of D. villosus aggregations by exposing them to fish predation. Gobies foraged most effectively on immobile single gammarids compared to moving and aggregated individuals. Fish also avoided aggregated prey, confirming the protective character of aggregations. We have demonstrated that the predator presence increases aggregation level of prey gammarids and affects their social behavior by reducing antagonistic interactions and avoidance between competing species. This is likely to affect their distribution and functioning in the wild, where predator pressure is a standard situation.
Keywords:antipredator behavior     Dikerogammarus villosus     group living  predator kairomones  predator–  prey interaction
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