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Circadian Rhythms of Locomotor Activity in Lycosa tarentula (Araneae,Lycosidae) and the Pathways of Ocular Entrainment
Authors:Joaquín Ortega-Escobar
Abstract:Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.
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