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Selectivity in plant food consumption in the lizard Liolaemus lutzae from southeastern Brazil
Authors:Carlos F.D. Rocha
Affiliation:1. Universidade de Santo Amaro (UNISA), S?o Paulo, SP, Brazilmilenemartins@terra.com.br;3. Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPê), Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brazil
Abstract:Selectivity in the consumption of plant matter from the natural habitat by the tropidurid lizard Liolaemus lutzae, endemic to the beach habitats of restingas of southeastern Brazil, and the differences in the qualitative properties of the plants consumed were studied in the Barra de MaricÝ restinga, Rio de Janeiro State. The diets of 180 lizards were analysed and the plant species present in the stomachs and their frequencies were recorded. Only four of the 19 species which occur on the beach (Phylloxerus portulacoides, Althernantera maritima, Ipomoea littoralis and I. pes-caprae) were consumed by the lizard and their frequencies in the stomachs differed from that of occurrence. Analysis of the composition of the leaves of the 13 most abundant plant species indicated that the plants consumed by the lizards had the highest contents of water, total nitrogen, total sugar and the lowest amount of gross fibres. Thus, it appears that L. lutzae is not a generalist herbivore, but feeds selectively on those plants in its environment that are most easily digested and assimilated. A seletividade no consumo de algumas entre as espécies vegetais ocorrentes no habitat de praia pelo lagarto tropidur¡deo Liolaemus lutzae e, as diferenças nas propriedades qualitativas presentes nas plantas consumidas em relação às demais plantas mais abundantes do habitat foram estudada na restinga da Barra de Maricá, Sudeste do Brasil. A dieta de 180 lagartos foi analisada tendo sido anotadas as espécies de plantas presentes no estômago e suas respectivas frequências. Apenas quatro entre as 19 espécies registradas na praia (Phylloxerus portulacoides, Althernantera maritima, Ipomoea littoralis and I. pes-caprae) foram consumidas por L. lutzae. As frequências destas na dieta do lagarto diferiram da frequência com que as plantas ocorrem no habitat. A análise da composição das folhas de 13 entre as espécies de plantas mais frequentes indicou que as plantas consumidas pelo lagarto possuem as mais elevadas proporçôes de água, nitrogênio total, açúcar total e a menor proporção de fibras. Aparentemente L. lutzae não é um herbivoro generalista mas seleciona no seu ambiente as plantas as quais são mais facilmente digeridas e assimiladas.
Keywords:dispersive movement  emigration  lion tamarins  nuclear DNA
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