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The Genetic Factors Altered in Homozygous abo Stocks of DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER
Authors:William Sullivan and Sergio Pimpinelli
Abstract:Females homozygous for the maternal-effect mutation abo (2-44.0) produce a large fraction of eggs which arrest during embryogenesis. Increasing doses of defined heterochromatic regions inherited by offspring of abo mothers from their fathers function zygotically to bring about a partial rescue of the abo-induced embryonic lethality. Another property of the abo mutation is that the severity of the maternal effect decreases when an abo stock is maintained in homozygous condition for a number of generations. Here, we show that the factors which change in homozygous abo stocks to result in the decrease in maternally induced embryonic lethality, act zygotically, dominantly and additively. More importantly, we show that the X and second chromosomes, but not the Y and third chromosomes, derived from homozygous abo stocks are, when inherited from males, more effective in promoting zygotic rescue of the abo-induced lethality than are the equivalent chromosomes derived from an abo stock maintained in heterozygous condition. The chromosomal locations of the factors maintained in the homozygous condition. The chromosomal locations of the factors altered in homozygous stock, as well as their behavior, strongly suggest that the same heterochromatic elements that are responsible for rescuing embryos from the abo-induced maternal effect are altered in homozygous abo flies in such a way that the maternal effect itself is less severe.
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