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The Distribution of Assimilates in Lolium multiflorum Lam. Following Differential Defoliation
Authors:MARSHALL, C.   SAGAR, G. R.
Affiliation:School of Plant Biology, University College of North Wales Bangor, North Wales
Abstract:In seedling plants of Lolium multiflorum Lam. the tillers weredefoliated but the main shoot was left intact. Radiocarbon as14CO2 was supplied to this shoot at different times followingtiller defoliation and the pattern of distribution of labelledassimilates was determined quantitatively. It was found thata greater proportion (approximately 10–20 per cent) ofexported assimilate was translocated to the cut tillers butalthough the proportion supplied to the root system was lessthe total radiocarbon incorporated by the roots was unchanged.This was brought about by a large increase in the export ofradiocarbon fixed by the intact shoot—up to 100 per centfollowing one treatment. These alterations in the organizationof the defoliated plant lead to a greater efficiency in thecarbon economy and are discussed in relation to the stress imposedby defoliation.
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