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Excision of an Active CACTA-Like Transposable Element From DFR2 Causes Variegated Flowers in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
Authors:Min Xu  Hargeet K. Brar  Sehiza Grosic  Reid G. Palmer  Madan K. Bhattacharyya
Affiliation:*Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 and United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Abstract:Active endogenous transposable elements, useful tools for gene isolation, have not been reported from any legume species. An active transposable element was suggested to reside in the W4 locus that governs flower color in soybean. Through biochemical and molecular analyses of several revertants of the w4-m allele, we have shown that the W4 locus encodes dihydroflavonol-4-reductase 2 (DFR2). w4-m has arisen through insertion of Tgm9, a 20,548-bp CACTA-like transposable element, into the second intron of DFR2. Tgm9 showed high nucleic acid sequence identity to Tgmt*. Its 5′ and 3′ terminal inverted repeats start with conserved CACTA sequence. The 3′ subterminal region is highly repetitive. Tgm9 carries TNP1- and TNP2-like transposase genes that are expressed in the mutable line, T322 (w4-m). The element excises at a high frequency from both somatic and germinal tissues. Following excision, reinsertions of Tgm9 into the DFR2 promoter generated novel stable alleles, w4-dp (dilute purple flowers) and w4-p (pale flowers). We hypothesize that the element is fractured during transposition, and truncated versions of the element in new insertion sites cause stable mutations. The highly active endogenous transposon, Tgm9, should facilitate genomics studies specifically that relate to legume biology.IN soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], five loci W1, W3, W4, Wm, and Wp control the pigmentations in flowers and hypocotyls (Palmer et al. 2004). Soybean plants with genotype W1_ w3w3 W4_ Wm_ Wp_ produce wild-type purple flowers (Figure 1) and purple hypocotyls. Mutations at the W4 locus in the W1_ background result in altered pigment accumulation patterns in petals and reduced levels of purple pigments in flowers and hypocotyls. Four mutant alleles, w4, w4-m, w4-dp, and w4-p have been mapped to this locus. The w4 allele represents a spontaneous mutation, which produces near-white flowers (Figure 1) and green hypocotyls (Hartwig and Hinson 1962; Groose and Palmer 1991). The w4-m allele was identified from a cross between two experimental breeding lines with white and purple flowers, respectively (Palmer et al. 1989; Weigelt et al. 1990). w4-m is characterized by variegated flowers (Figure 1) and green hypocotyls with purple sectors (Groose et al. 1988).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.—Variation in flower color among soybean lines carrying different W4 alleles.w4-m has been proposed to harbor a class II transposable element (Palmer et al. 1989). Presumably, somatic excision of the putative transposable element results in the variegated (Groose et al. 1988) and germinal excision wild-type phenotypes, purple flowers and purple pigments on hypocotyls (Palmer et al. 1989; Groose et al. 1990). The mutable line carrying w4-m undergoes germinal reversion at a very high frequency, about 6% per generation (Groose et al. 1990). Approximately 1% of the progeny derived from germinal revertants contain new mutations in unlinked loci, presumably resulting from reinsertion of the element (Palmer et al. 1989). For example, female partial-sterile 1 (Fsp1), female partial-sterile 2 (Fsp2), female partial-sterile 3 (Fsp3), and female partial-sterile 4 (Fsp4) were isolated from progenies of germinal revertants with purple flowers and were mapped to molecular linkage groups (MLG) C2, A2, F, and G, respectively (Kato and Palmer 2004). Similarly, 36 male-sterile, female-sterile mutants mapped to the st8 region on MLG J (Kato and Palmer 2003; Palmer et al. 2008a), 24 necrotic root (rn) mutants mapped to the rn locus on MLG G (Palmer et al. 2008b), and three Mdh1-n y20 mutants, mapped to a chromosomal region on MLG H (Palmer et al. 1989; Xu and Palmer 2005b), were isolated among progenies of germinal revertants.In addition to germinal revertants with purple flowers, the w4 mutable line also generated intermediate stable revertants that produce flowers with variable pigment intensities ranging from purple to near-white (Figure 1). Two stable intermediate revertants, w4-dp and w4-p, are allelic to W4. Plants carrying w4-dp or w4-p alleles produce dilute purple flowers or pale flowers, respectively (Figure 1) (Palmer and Groose 1993; Xu and Palmer 2005a).Pigment formation requires two types of genes: structural genes that encode anthocyanin biosynthetic enzymes [e.g., CHS (chalcone synthase), F3H (flavanone 3-hydroxylase), DFR (dihydroflavonol-4-reductase), ANS (anthocyanidin synthase); Figure S1] and regulatory genes that control expression of structural genes (Holton and Cornish 1995). Among the five genes, W1, W3, W4, Wp, and Wm, controlling pigment biosynthesis in soybean, four have been characterized at the molecular level (Figure S1). W1 encodes a flavonoid 5′, 3′-hydroxylase (Zabala and Vodkin 2007). W3 cosegregates with a DFR gene, Wp encodes a flavonone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), and Wm encodes a flavonol synthase (FLS) (Fasoula et al. 1995; Zabala and Vodkin 2005; Takahashi et al. 2007).Nine CACTA-type class II transposable elements, Tgm1, Tgm2, Tgm3, Tgm4, Tgm5, Tgm6, Tgm7, Tgm-Express1, and Tgmt*, have been reported in soybean (Rhodes and Vodkin 1988; Zabala and Vodkin 2005, 2008). Tgm-Express1 causes mutation in Wp (Zabala and Vodkin 2005) and Tgmt* (EU190440) in T that encodes a flavonoid 3′ hydroxylase (F3′H) (Zabala and Vodkin 2003, 2008). The objectives of the present study were to characterize the W4 locus and then investigate whether the w4-m allele harbors an active transposable element. Our results showed that a CACTA-like transposable element located in a dihydroflavonol-4-reductase gene causes variegated flower phenotype in soybean.
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