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Dissociation of expression patterns of homeodomain transcription factors in the evolution of developmental mode in the sea urchins Heliocidaris tuberculata and H. erythrogramma
Authors:Wilson Keen A  Andrews Mary E  Raff Rudolf A
Affiliation:Indiana Molecular Biology Institute and Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA.
Abstract:The direct-developing sea urchin species Heliocidaris erythrogramma has a radically modified ontogeny. Along with gains of novel features, its entire ectoderm has been reorganized, resulting in the apparent absence of a differentiated oral ectoderm, a major module present in the pluteus of indirect-developing species, such as H. tuberculata. The restoration of an obvious oral ectoderm in H. erythrogrammaxH. tuberculata hybrids, indicates the action of dominant regulatory factors from the H. tuberculata genome. We sought candidate regulatory genes based on the prediction that they should include genes that govern development of the oral ectoderm in the pluteus, but play different roles in H. erythrogramma. Such genes may have a large effect in the evolution of development. Goosecoid (Gsc), Msx, and the sea urchin Abd-B-like gene (Hox11/13b) are present and expressed in both species and the hybrid embryos. Both Gsc and Msx are oral ectoderm specific in H. tuberculata, and show novel and distinct expression patterns in H. erythrogramma. Gsc assumes a novel ectodermal pattern and Msx shifts to a novel and largely mesodermal pattern. Both Gsc and Msx show a restoration of oral ectoderm expression in hybrids. Hox11/13b is not expressed in oral ectoderm in H. tuberculata, but is conserved in posterior spatial expression among H. tuberculata, H. erythrogramma and hybrids, serving as a control. Competitive RT-PCR shows that Gsc, Msx, and Hox11/13b are under different quantitative and temporal controls in the Heliocidaris species and the hybrids. The implications for the involvement of these genes in the rapid evolution of a direct developing larva are discussed.
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