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Pollen and organoleptic analysis of honeys in Leon province (Spain)
Authors:Rosa Maria Valencia-Barrera  Baudilio Herrero  Tibor Molnar
Affiliation:Universidad de Leon
Abstract:According to the pollen spectra recorded, most of them were monofloral (23) and 16 were multifloral. Erica honeys were the most abundant monofloral samples (9), Castanea sativa came next with 5; there were 3 samples of Helianthus annuus and 3 others of Lotus corniculatus and 1 of Rubus ulmifolius, Echium and Scrophularia canina pollen type respectively. The monofloral chestnuts honeys presented a minor pollen diversity. 108 pollen types were recorded, which belonged to 41 families. Fabaceae, Rosaceae and Ericaceae were the most represented families in the honeys studied. Cytisus scoparius and Rubus ulmifolius were the pollen types, which appeared in the highest number of samples. Certain pollen types such as Lavandula stoechas and Cistus ladanifer can be used as indicator or key elements in order to recognise the origin zone of honeys in the biogeographical Mediterranean region. As regards organoleptic analyses, most of our honeys (multiflorales, Erica, Rubus ulmifolius, Castanea sativa), samples are brown, not very sweet and present a homogeneous aspect, the other honeys have lighter colours, are sweeter and also have an homogeneous aspect (Helianthus annuus, Lotus corniculatus, Echium and Scrophularia canina -type).
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