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Fine Structure of Nucellar Cells During Development of the Embryo Sac in Oenothera biennis L.
Affiliation:Centro de Microscopia Electrónica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 5000 Córdoba, República Argentina
Abstract:Developing nucellar cells in Oenothera biennis L. present distinctpatterns of differentiation at the chalaza and around the embryosac. The cytoplasm of nucellar cells surrounding the tetradof megaspores displays cytolysomes, lipid bodies and membranesof smooth ER enveloping different cytoplasmic components. Concomitantto the differentiation of the embryo sac the nucellar cellsconstituting these ‘parietal layers’ undergo cytoplasmicdegeneration with shrinkage and flattening. In addition to theregular nucellar cells the chalaza at this stage presents threeother types: One with pycnotic nuclei, paramural bodies andcytoplasm filled with polymorphic vacuoles containing membranes,granular or flocculent material and multivesicular bodies. Asecond cell type shows swollen perinuclear cisternae aroundtheir pycnotic nuclei and large cytoplasmic vacuoles accumulatingtannins. The third type of cells is characterized by large numbersof starch grains and advanced disorganization of cytoplasmicorganelles; these cells probably become reservoirs after death. Oenothera biennis L., evening primrose, embryo sac, nucellus, cytolysomes, ultrastructure
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