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Ultrastructural Observations on the Epidermis of Xenoturbella bocki Westblad, 1949; With a Discussion of Epidermal Cytoplasmic Filament Systems of Invertebrates
Authors:Knud Jø  rgen Pedersen,and Lars Ryde Pedersen
Affiliation:Institute of Cell Biology and Anatomy, The Zoological Institutes, University of Copenhagen, Denmark;Institute of Anatomy, The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract:The highly complex epidermis of Xenoturbella bocki has been studied, mainly employing transmission electron microscopical and histochemical methods. The epidermal organization is described to best advantage in terms of the various cell types present, their intricate interrelationships and their interaction with the highly developed subepidermal membrane complex (SMC). The epidermis is composed mainly of ciliated epidermal supporting cells, at least two types of gland cells (one dominant mucous type with basophilic, alcian blue-positive granules; another possessing acidophilic, PAS-positive granules), several types of nerve cells present in the intraepidermal nerve layer and, finally, some peculiar basally arranged 'pillow cells'. Junctional structures are sparsely developed. The epidermal supporting cell is provided with a distinct cell web, but diagnostic for this cell type is the presence of a very prominent single supporting fibre (SF) composed of supporting filaments. Distally some of these filaments may terminate on the tapering proximal ends of ciliary rootlets, a highly unusual phenomenon. Basally the SF is attached to the SMC in a complex arrangement. The possible relationship of the supporting filaments to cytoskeletal intermediate filaments is discussed. The SF is compared to other cytoplasmic filament systems in mammals and various invertebrates. The ultrastructural organization of Xenoturbella is now fairly well understood, nevertheless, our conclusion must be that it is still not possible to assign an appropriate place for this animal in the systematic-phylogenetic system.
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