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Correlation of structural differences in several bird lysozymes and their loop regions with immunological cross-reactivity
Authors:M Fainaru  A C Wilson  R Arnon
Affiliation:Department of Chemical Immunology The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:Goat antibodies that were specific, respectively, to hen egg white lysozyme, its loop region (residues 60 to 83) and to regions other than the loop, were reacted with the intact lysozyme or its loop region. The interference with this reaction by several bird lysozymes was tested. Bobwhite quail lysozyme was as efficient as hen lysozyme in the lysozyme-anti-lysozyme system, but much less reactive with anti-loop antibodies. Turkey lysozyme, on the other hand, was similar to hen lysozyme in its behaviour with anti-loop antibodies but different in its reactivity with anti-lysozyme. It is thus concluded that the loop region of hen lysozyme is far more reactive than that of bobwhite quail lysozyme with loop-specific goat antibodies. The large antigenic difference results from replacement of an arginine residue (at position 68) in the hen loop by a lysine residue in the quail loop. By contrast, the loop region of turkey lysozyme is antigenically similar to that of hen lysozyme. Yet the turkey loop also differs from the hen loop by a single lysine-for-arginine replacement (at position 73). To explain why the lysine substitution has a greater antigenic effect at position 68 than at position 73, two hypotheses are considered. First, as arginine 68 is the i + 2 residue of a β-bend (encompassing residues 66 to 69) and as the frequency of occurrence of lysine at the i + 2 position in β-bends is lower than that of arginine, the presence of lysine at position 68 may lower the stability of the β-bend and thereby cause a conformational change in the β-bend region of the loop. Alternatively, arginine 68 may be more exposed than is arginine 73 in hen lysozyme, and hence goat antibodies may more easily recognize the side-chain difference produced by the lysine substitution at position 68.
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