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Retention of soluble organic nutrients by a forested ecosystem
Authors:R.G. Qualls  B.L. Haines  W.T. Swank  S.W. Tyler
Affiliation:(1) Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences, University of Nevada, M.S. 370, Reno, 89557, USA;(2) Botany Department, University of Georgia, Athens, 30602, USA;(3) Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Otto, 28763, USA
Abstract:We document an example of a forested watershed at the Coweeta HydrologicLaboratory with an extraordinary tendency to retain dissolved organic matter(DOM) generated in large quantities within the ecosystem. Our objectives weretodetermine fluxes of dissolved organic C, N, and P (DOC, DON, DOP,respectively),in water draining through each stratum of the ecosystem and synthesizeinformation on the physicochemical, biological and hydrologic factors leadingtoretention of dissolved organic nutrients in this ecosystem. The ecosystemretained 99.3, 97.3, and 99.0% of water soluble organic C, N and P,respectively, produced in litterfall, throughfall, and root exudates. Exportsinstreamwater were 4.1 kg ha–1yr–1of DOC, 0.191 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDON, and 0.011 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDOP. Fluxes of DON were greater than those of inorganic N in all strata. MostDOC, DON, and DOP was removed from solution in the A and B horizons, with DOCbeing rapidly adsorbed to Fe and Al oxyhydroxides, most likely by ligandexchange. DON and DOC were released gradually from the forest floor over theyear. Water soluble organic C produced in litterfall and throughfall had adisjoint distribution of half-decay times with very labile and veryrefractory fractions so that most labile DOC was decomposed before beingleachedinto the mineral soil and refractory fractions dominated the DOC transportedthrough the ecosystem. We hypothesize that this watershed retained solubleorganic nutrients to an extraordinary degree because the soils have very highcontents of Fe and Al oxyhydroxides with high adsorption capacities and becausethe predominant hydrologic pathway is downwards as unsaturated flow through astrongly adsorbing A and B horizon. The well recognized retention mechanismsforinorganic nutrients combine with adsorption of DOM and hydrologic pathway toefficiently prevent leaching of both soluble inorganic andorganic nutrients in this watershed.
Keywords:Adsorption  Biodegradation  Carbon  Decomposition  Dissolved organic nitrogen  Flux  Hydrology  Organic matter  Phosphorus  Soil  Stream
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