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Malnutrition and its association with intestinal parasitism among children from a village in the Colombian Amazonian region
Authors:Ordóñez Leonardo Elías  Angulo Esther Sofia
Affiliation:Hospital Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, La Hormiga, Putumayo, Colombia.
Abstract:Intestinal parasites and malnutrition cause high morbidity among children in developing countries. A study to establish the associations between intestinal parasitism and undernourishment was undertaken in a village in the Colombian Amazon region. Two hundred thirty seven children each provided four stool samples for parasitic analysis. Anthropometric indices were calculated based on height and weight (HAZ), weight and age (WAZ) and height and weight (WHZ) using the international growth standards recommended by the World Health Organization. Of the 237 children, 86.1% were carrying parasites, 54% had 2 or more parasites, 30% were stunted, 10% were underweight, and 2.5% were wasting. HAZ and WAZ indices were inversely related to age and number of parasites. Socioeconomic status was positively correlated with the number of parasites and inversely related to the HAZ index (p < 0.05). In conclusion, frequencies of undernourishment and intestinal parasites among the sample population were higher than the national average for Colombia. As previous studies have indicated, age, intestinal parasitism and socio-economic level are variables significantly related to nutritional state.
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