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引用本文:孙江华,张彦周. 杀虫剂对湿地松粉蚧种群及其天敌的影响[J]. 昆虫学报, 2003, 46(4): 466-472
作者姓名:孙江华  张彦周
摘    要:湿地松粉蚧是于1988年传入我国广东省的一种重要林业外来入侵害虫。现在该害虫在我国的分布面积为35.52万公顷,严重影响着我国南方松林的生长健康。该害虫在其原产地美国南方并不造成大的危害,也不是一种主要害虫。只有当大量应用杀虫剂防治其它害虫时,由于杀死了其天敌,湿地松粉蚧种群才会明显增长。为控制这一外来入侵害虫,中美两国于1995年开展了从美国引进天敌防治广东省湿地松粉蚧的林业合作项目。本文报道了1996~1997年间在美国南方三个种子园使用杀虫剂防治球果种实害虫时,杀虫剂对湿地松粉蚧种群及其两种主要天敌有明显的影响,这也间接地说明了寄生性天敌对湿地松粉蚧在自然条件下的控制作用。相关分析显示湿地松粉蚧种群数量与其天敌是密切相关的,但杀虫剂可以打破这种平衡。这一方面说明从美国引进天敌防治湿地松粉蚧是可行的,另一方面也显示在美国采集湿地松粉蚧天敌应在使用过杀虫剂后的林分中。

关 键 词:湿地松粉蚧  杀虫剂  天敌诱捕  广腹细蜂  迪氏跳小蜂  引诱  

Effects of insecticide application on Oracella acuta (Lobdell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) population and its two dominant parasitoids
SUN Jiang-hua,ZHANG Yan-zhou. Effects of insecticide application on Oracella acuta (Lobdell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) population and its two dominant parasitoids[J]. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2003, 46(4): 466-472
Authors:SUN Jiang-hua  ZHANG Yan-zhou
Abstract:The effects of insecticide application on loblolly pine mealybug, Oracella acuta (Lobdell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) and its two dominant parasitoids, Allotropa sp. (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) and Zarhopalus debarri Sun (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), were investigated using yellow sticky traps. The results revealed that the Oracella population responded positively to the intensity of insecticide use, which had adverse effects on its two parasitoids. In fact, the outbreak of the mealybug was largely due to this adverse effect of insecticides on its parasitoids. Orchards with high intensity use of insecticides resulted higher Oracella population and vice versa. Comparison of three orchards with three levels of insecticide use further demonstrated the effectiveness of the parasitoids in regulating mealybug populations. Significantly more males of Zarhopalus sp. were caught than females indicated a sex preference for yellow in this species. A strong positive correlation exists between Oracella and its parasitoids but this relationship can be disrupted by the heavy use of insecticides.
Keywords:Oracella acuta  insecticide  parasite  Allotropa sp.  Zarhopalus debarri  trapping
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