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Invasion Pattern of Herb Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in High Quality Forests
Authors:Victoria Nuzzo
Institution:(1) 1403 Sovocool Hill Road, Groton, NY, 13073, USA (e-mail
Abstract:The invasion of non-indigenous plant species poses a severe threat to native plant communities. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a naturalized European biennial herb that has spread rapidly through the eastern US and adjacent Canada. To determine garlic mustard rate of spread, eleven permanent plots (50×25 m) were located in seven high quality (relatively undisturbed) forests in the early stages of invasion. Garlic mustard presence was recorded within six 50×2 m permanent belt transects, and density and percent cover by age class were recorded in 36 permanent 1 m2 quadrats, between 1989 and 1992, and again in 1997. Garlic mustard spread at an average rate of 5.4 m per year between 1989 and 1992, in all plots combined. Within individual plots rate of spread varied substantially, with location of the front increasing up to 36 m and decreasing as much as 18 m between years. While the front alternately advanced and retreated, over time garlic mustard consistently advanced through all forests. Rate of spread was influenced by establishment of satellite populations, and disturbance (wind-throw and flooding). The pattern of spread within plots was one of a ragged advancing front, supplemented by establishment of satellite populations 6–40 m distant from the front, which then coalesced with the main population. Garlic mustard presence between 1989 and 1997 increased significantly within all plots, and in each age class within each plot. The greatest increases occurred in plots where this plant was initially rarest. Garlic mustard cover and density varied nonsignificantly during the same time period. These results indicate that after garlic mustard invades a forest it becomes a permanent part of the community, annually increasing in presence but fluctuating in cover and density. Garlic mustard maintains a low profile under low disturbance conditions, but increases rapidly with periodic disturbance. This study monitored garlic mustard invasion in high quality relatively undisturbed forests, and may underestimate the rate of spread in low quality highly disturbed forests.
Keywords:Alliaria petiolata  garlic mustard  invasion  rate of spread
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