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水竹(Phyllostachys heteroclada)人工林生物量结构的研究
引用本文:孙天任,唐礼俊,魏泽长,武大宇,王希荣,张德惠,刘年贵. 水竹(Phyllostachys heteroclada)人工林生物量结构的研究[J]. 植物生态学报, 1986, 10(3): 190-198
作者姓名:孙天任  唐礼俊  魏泽长  武大宇  王希荣  张德惠  刘年贵
摘    要: 根据39块标准地上测定18808株立竹,47个竹鞭样方,38株不同年龄(1—6年)和不同径级样竹,用相对生长量法(allometric method)研究不同水竹人工林地上和地下部分生物量结构;用数理统计方法拟合出竹秆、竹叶、竹枝和竹鞭生物量与胸径的回归方程。地上部分生物总量随径级而增加,竹秆重量按径级分布分别为,1.5径级与林分总重量比为16%;2.0径级为30.5%;2.5径级为26.1%,3.0径级为16.0%。地上部分生物总量随龄级增加而降低,分别为:Ⅰ龄级为31.7%,Ⅱ龄级为22.0%,Ⅲ龄级为17.5%,Ⅳ龄级以上为28.0%。竹鞭中壮鞭占50—60%,竹鞭容积2.0—2.5%,地上部分总量与地下总量比为1.0—1.5,叶面积指数为4—6,每亩产量可达4000—7000斤时,称为高产林分。

关 键 词:水竹  生物量  相对生长量法

Sun Tian-ren Tang Li-jun. STUDY ON THE BIOMASS STRUCTURE OF PHYLLOST ACHYS HETEROCLADA[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 1986, 10(3): 190-198
Authors:Sun Tian-ren Tang Li-jun
Abstract:The biomass structures of different stands of Phyllostachys heteroclada were studies by the allometric method based on 18808 bamboo culms, 47 rhizome quadrats and 38 samples of bamboo of different ages (1—6 yrs.) and diameter classes (0.5—3.0) from 39 sample plots. The biomass of culm, branch-leave and rhizomes in relation to diameter breast height fit out the regression equation by statistical procedures.The results obtained show that the total above ground biomass increases with the increase in diameter classes, and the distribution of the ratios of culm weight at different diameter classes to the total stand weight is as follows: 16% for 1.5 diameter classes, 30.5% for 2.0 classes, 26.1% for 2.5 classes and 16.0% for 3.0 classes, respectively. The total above ground biomass decreases with the increase of the age class and the distribution is 31.7% for age class Ⅰ, 22% for age class Ⅱ, 17.5% for age class Ⅲ, and 28% for age class Ⅳ or above.A. high-yield stand is defined as: vigorous rhizomes 50—60%; rhizome capacity 2.0—2.5‰, ratio of total above ground weight to total under ground weight 1.0—1.5; leaf area index 4—6; yield 4000—7000 jin per mu.
Keywords:Phyllostachys heteroclada  Biomass  Allometric method  
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