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Phylogenetics of Asphodelaceae (Asparagales): An Analysis of Plastid rbcL and trnL-F DNA Sequences
Authors:Chase, Mark W.   De Bruijn, Anette Y.   Cox, Anthony V.   Reeves, Gail   Rudall, Paula J.   Johnson, Margaret A.T.   Eguiarte, Luis E.
Affiliation:Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, UK Centro de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, Apartado Postal 70-275, C.U., C.P. 04510, México, D.F., Mexico
Abstract:Phylogenetic relationships of Asphodelaceae were investigatedby parsimony analysis of 57 monocotrbcL nucleotide sequences,including 17 genera that have at some time been assigned tothe family. All genera of Asphodelaceae except for three (Hemiphylacus,Paradisea and Simethis) form a strongly supported monophyleticgroup with Hemerocallidaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae as their immediatesister taxa. In a second analysis, we added 34 plastid trnL-Fsequences (an intron and a spacer between two transfer RNA genes)for the Asphodelaceae clade and nearest outgroup families (Doryanthaceae,Hemerocallidaceae, Iridaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Tecophilaeaceaeand Xanthorrhoeaceae) in an attempt to improve resolution andlevels of internal support. The results from the separate analysesproduced highly similar although not identical results. No stronglysupported incongruent groups occurred, and we combined bothsequence regions in one analysis, which demonstrated improvedresults. Strong support exists for a monophyletic subfamilyAlooideae, but this leaves a paraphyletic subfamily Asphodeloideaebecause Bulbine/Jodrellia alone are strongly supported as thesister group of Alooideae. Characters that have been used toseparate Alooideae as a distinct group (either as here a subfamilyor as a separate family by other authors), such as secondarygrowth and bimodal karyotypes, are found in at least some membersof Asphodeloideae, particularly in Bulbine and Jodrellia forthe karyotypes, making Alooideae less easily recognized. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Alooideae, Asphodeloideae, Asphodelaceae, Asparagales, phylogenetic analysis, rbcL, trnL-F, molecular systematics
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