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On the relative frequencies of hominid maxillary and mandibular teeth and jaws as taphonomic indicators
Authors:P. V. Tobias
Affiliation:(1) Palaeo-anthropological Research Unit, Department of Anatomy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Abstract:In southern African samples of early hominid remains, maxillary and mandibular teeth (deciduous-plus-permanent) have a virtually equal chance of accumulating in the dolomitic limestone cave deposits, of being preserved therein and recovered therefrom. Thus, of 1066 fossil teeth ofAustralopithecus spp. plusHomo habilis, 51.9 per cent are maxillary and 48.1 per cent mandibular. On the other hand, the East African sample of 847 early hominid, deciduous-plus-permanent teeth, departs more strikingly from a 1∶1 ratio: it comprises 41.0 per cent maxillary and 59.0 per cent mandibular teeth. It is inferred that mandibular teeth have a somewhat better chance of accumulating and being preserved in, and being recovered from, the open, fluvial, lacustrine and deltaic sedimentary environments of the East African sites. The dental proportions are approximately matched by the proportions of jaws. For example, the maxilla: mandible proportions at Koobi fora in northern Kenya are 33.0∶67.0 for teeth and 21.6∶78.4 for jaws. In other words, the preponderance in favour of mandibular remains is somewhat more marked in the case of jaws than of teeth, this distinction doubtless reflecting the more fragile bony structure of the maxilla and the sturdier construction of the mandible. This first study known to the author of the differential distribution of maxillary and mandibular teeth of the Plio-Pleistocene hominids leads the author to hypothesize that, where environmental conditions at the place and time of the death of the hominids have been non-destructive, non-dispersive, relatively mild and protective, maxillae and mandibles may be expected to have been conserved and recovered in approximately equal proportions—and likewise of maxillary and mandibular teeth. On the other hand, the more brutal and destructive the sedimentary environment and other taphonomic influences have been, at the place and time when the hominid individuals died, the more likely it is that the maxillary and mandibular remains of jaws and teeth will deviate from equality of proportions, generally at the expense of the maxillae and upper teeth. Hence, it is proposed that the upper jaw/low jaw ratio (Mx/Mn jaw ratio) and the maxillary teeth/mandibular teeth ratio (Mx/Mn dental ratio) may serve as two useful new gauges of the rigour of palaeo-ecological and taphonomic conditions.
Keywords:Hominid teeth  Plio-Pleistocene  Taphonomy  East Africa  Southern Africa
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