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Effects of alien invasion by Bombus terrestris L. (Apidae) on the visitation patterns of native bumblebees in coastal plants in northern Japan
Authors:Yoko Nishikawa  Takashi Shimamura
Affiliation:1.Institute of Environmental Science,Hokkaido Research Organization,Sapporo,Japan
Abstract:When alien pollinator species enter a native community of pollinators in which resource partitioning has been established, the pollination network between plants and pollinators may be modified through the interactions between the pollinators over the use of floral resources. We observed the floral-use patterns of native (Bombus hypocrita and B. deuteronymus) and alien (B. terrestris) bumblebee species in a coastal grassland in northern Japan. We analyzed the factors determining resource partitioning patterns. B. hypocrita tended to visit flowers with shallow or wide open corollas, such as Rosa rugosa, whereas B. deuteronymus visited flowers with complex or deeper corollas, such as Lathyrus japonicus. Given the wider floral preference of B. terrestris, floral use by the alien bumblebees consistently overlapped with that of native bumblebees. The visitation of B. terrestris to R. rugosa flowers was positively correlated with that of B. hypocrita. These bumblebee species frequently used similar floral resources, in part because of the large overlap in the seasonality of their foraging activity. The visitation frequency of B. deuteronymus to L. japonicus flowers was independent of the visitation frequency of other bumblebee species. The major visitation periods of the bumblebees to L. japonicus flowers reciprocally differed between B. deuteronymus and B. terrestris, suggesting phenological resource partitioning between these species. Our study suggests that phenological niche partitioning is more common in specialized flowers (L. japonicus) than in generalized flowers (R. rugosa).
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