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Characterization of a stable,anchorage-dependent clone obtained from a spontaneously transformed mouse cell line
Authors:R. Godbout  B. L. Gallie  R. A. Phillips
Affiliation:(1) The Ontario Cancer Institute, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada;(2) Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada;(3) Department of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abstract:Summary A variant nontransformed clone, I21, was selected from the spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblast line, IT22. Selection was done by plating IT22 in methylcellulose and picking single cells after 2 d. Cultures derived from these single cells were selected again and one clone, I21, derived from the second round of selection was characterized extensively. I21 and IT22 have the same plating efficiency (PE) on plastic, but in agarose they differ by 1000-fold. In comparison to IT22, I21 has a normal morphological appearance, a lower saturation density, a higher viability in stationary phase, an increased doubling time, an increased chromosome content, and is unable to form tumors in nude mice. I21 has remained remarkably stable in culture and has not reverted to the transformed phenotype for at least 300 generations in culture. Over 100 clones of I21, expanded to 106 cells, failed to show an increased PE in agarose. Even expansion of the rare colonies of I21 that grow in agarose failed to produce clones similar to IT22. The research was supported by the Medical Research Council and the National Cancer Institute of Canada. R. Godbout was supported by a 1967 Science Scholarship and by an MRC Studentship. B. L. Gallie is a Research Associate of the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.
Keywords:mouse cell line  reversion  anchorage-independence
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