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Torfmooskulturen als Ersatzlebensraum
Authors:Greta Gaudig  Matthias Krebs
Affiliation:Ernst‐Moritz‐Arndt‐Universit?t Greifswald
Abstract:Sphagnum farming In Germany, 99% of the 1.4 Mha of peatlands have been drained for land use. These degraded areas release enormous amounts of greenhouse gases. In contrast, land use on rewetted peatlands (= paludiculture) not only avoids greenhouse gas emissions, but offers numerous additional environmental benefits, while maintaining biomass production. Field studies have demonstrated the additional benefits of peatmoss (Sphagnum) cultivation for plant and animal diversity. After harvesting of the upper moss layer, the biomass is prepared to be used as a substitute for peat in horticultural substrates. Sphagnum farming is a promising and sustainable land use alternative for degraded bog areas.
Keywords:Torfmooskultivierung  Paludikultur  Torfersatz  Ersatzlebensraum  Hochmoor
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