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Sexually dimorphic basal water absorption at the isolated pelvic patch of Japanese tree frog, Hyla japonica
Authors:Kohno Satomi  Fujime Makoto  Kamishima Yoshihisa  Iguchi Taisen
Affiliation:Graduate School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City University, Yokohama, 236-0027, Japan.
Abstract:Frogs ingest little water orally, but absorb the majority of the water needed for normal physiological performance through a specific region of the ventral skin, the pelvic patch. We observed non-stimulated (basal water absorption, BWA) water flux through the isolated pelvic patch in vitro in Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica). We found that water flux through non-stimulated skin from the pelvic patch was greater in males than females. This water flux was confirmed as BWA by observing no effect following the in vitro administration of propranolol and [adamantaneacetyl(1), O-Et-D-Tyr(2), Val(1), aminobutyryl(6), Arg(8, 9)] vasopressin, which are a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist and a vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist, respectively. We further examined this phenomenon following gonadectomy, treatment with sex hormones (E2, 17beta-estradiol; TP, testosterone propionate), estrogenic chemicals (BPA, bisphenol A; MTX, methoxychlor) or prolactin (PRL, a hormone regulated by sex hormones that has osmoregulatory activity). Ovariectomy increased BWA in females. Injection (in vivo treatment) of E2 or PRL reduced BWA in males, whereas TP injection increased BWA in females. However, the in vitro addition of E2, TP, or PRL to the Ringer's solution on the serosal side of the ventral skin patch did not alter BWA. Subsequently, we injected (in vivo treatment) BPA or MTX, environmental chemical contaminants with known hormonal actions in mammals. Injection of BPA or MTX reduced BWA in males as observed following treatment with E2. These results provide the first evidence of sexual dimorphism in BWA through the isolated pelvic patch. The gonad appears essential for observed sexual dimorphism in BWA, and we hypothesize that sex hormones regulate the release of PRL, that in turn influences BWA indirectly. E2 is known to exert a specific stimulatory effect on PRL secretion. In addition, we have observed that some endocrine disrupting contaminants also eliminate the sexual dimorphism in BWA observed in the Japanese tree frog.
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