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Reproductive phase dependent circadian variations of plasma melatonin, testosterone, thyroxine and corticosterone in Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti
Authors:Chandana Haldar   Shalini Sharma  Shiv S. Singh
Affiliation: a Pineal Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Abstract:To explain the complex mechanism of environmental influence along with internal hormonal (factors) milieu on daily variations in the circulating levels of melatonin, testosterone, thyroxine and corticosterone were analyzed with the help of inferential statistics (Cosinor rhythmometry) in a seasonally breeding tropical rodent, F. pennanti during the reproductively active (RAP) and inactive phases (RIP). Plasma melatonin, thyroxine and corticosterone levels exhibited a significant circadian oscillation during both the active and inactive phases of the annual reproductive cycle. Melatonin showed higher amplitude during RIP in the circulating plasma. Testosterone presented a peak level during evening hours (16:00 - 18:00 h) during RAP only. The phase of thyroxine was noted ∼09:76 h and ∼10.35 h during active and inactive phases, respectively. Corticosterone showed a peak level at ∼12.00 h during both phases of the reproductive cycle. Further, in this tropical rodent, the minimum difference in photoperiod (∼3 - 4 hours) and maximum variation in temperature (max. 18°C - min. 10°C during RIP and max. 45°C - min. 32°C during RAP) and humidity (85% during RIP and 35% during RAP) regulated the diurnal rhythm of circulating melatonin circadian rhythm by ∼1 hour phase advance during RIP. In conclusion, the studied hormonal rhythms may be part of an integrative system to coordinate reproduction and physiological processes successfully with environmental factors.
Keywords:Circadian rhythm  reproductive phase  melatonin  thyroxine  testosterone  corticosterone  tropical squirrel
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