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DNA Synthesis and Cell Division During Spore Germination in Lygodium japonicum
Authors:RUTTER, M. R.   RAGHAVAN, V.
Affiliation:Department of Botany, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210
Abstract:This paper describes the ontogenetic sequence of cell divisionsand associated DNA synthetic patterns observed in sectionedspores of Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw., collected at differentstages of germination. Following exposure to a saturating doseof red light, the spore undergoes an asymmetric division toform a basal cell, which retains nearly all of the storage inclusions,and an apical cell which expands and protrudes from the rupturedsporoderm. Division of the apical cell results in formationof a protonemal cell and an intermediate cell. Subsequently,the latter cell divides to form the primary rhizoid and a wedgecell adjacent to the protonemal cell. Secondary rhizoids mayarise from later divisions of either the basal cell or the wedgecell. In addition, the wedge cell appears to have the capacityto form a secondary prothal-lial filament. Histochemical localizationof cell constituents indicates an increasing concentration ofcytoplasmic RNA and protein in the presumptive protonemal regionof the spore cell prior to division. Autoradiography of 3H–thymidineincorporation has shown that synthesis of nuclear DNA precedeseach cell division. Although strictly nuclear DNA synthesisoccurs during early stages of germination, extra-nuclear DNAsynthesis increases greatly following division of the sporecell. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studieson cell division patterns seen in whole mount preparations ofgerminating spores of different species of Lygodium. Lygodium japonicum, spore germination, cell division, DNA synthesis
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