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Effect of digitonin on membrane-bound and chitosomal chitin synthetase activity in protoplasts from yeast cells ofCandida albicans
Authors:Daniel Gozalbo  Francisco Dubón  Rafael Sentandreu
Affiliation:(1) Department de Microbiologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de València, Avgda. Vicent Andrés Estellés s.n., E-46100 Burjassot, València, Spain
Abstract:The effect of digitonin on chitin synthetase present in membrane (MMF) and cytoplasmic fractions (chitosomes) (CF) fromC. albicans yeast protoplasts has been determined. The zymogen is preferentially, but not exclusively, solubilized by digitonin from MMF. Centrifugation of distinct solubilized preparations, containing either zymogen,in vivo active enzyme and/or trypsin activated enzyme, on linear sucrose gradients suggests that both zymogen and trypsin activated enzyme sediment slightly slower than the active enzyme, pointing out differences between the activation processesin vivo andin vitro or, alternatively, that both enzyme activities (activein vivo and zymogenic) correspond to different gene products. The detection of a zymogenic activity under certain conditions (0.5 mg ml–1 of digitonin and 64 µg ml–1 of trypsin) also suggests the existence of more than one pool of zymogenic enzyme in the MMF. Digitonin sensitizes the chitosomal (CF) proenzyme to trypsin: activation is enhanced by low digitonin concentrations in the presence of 8 µg ml–1 of protease, whereas activity strongly decreases in the presence of 64 µg ml–1 of trypsin. Digitonin does not produce zymogen activationper se in absence of exogenous protease. Furthermore, chitosome structure is modified into particles with low buoyant densities.
Keywords:Candida albicans  chitin synthetase  digitonin  proenzyme activation  protoplasts  solubilization  zymogen
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