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Gibberellins in the embryonic axes of tall and dwarf beans and their changes with initial growth
Authors:Goto, Nobuharu   Esashi, Yohji
Affiliation:Department of Biological Science, Tohoku University Kawauchi, Sendai 980, Japan
Abstract:Ten gibberellin-like activities were detected in the dry embryonicaxes of tall (cv. Kentucky Wonder) and dwarf (cv. Masterpiece)beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using the lettuce hypocotyl assayof thin-layer chromatograms; 2 in the non-acidic ethyl acetatefraction (NEI, NEII), 3 in the acidic ethyl acetate fraction(AEI, AEII, AEIII), 2 in the non-acidic n-butanol fraction (NBI,NBII) and 3 in the acidic n-butanol fraction (ABI, ABII, ABIII).There was no qualitative difference in these gibberellins betweenthe tall and dwarf axes, but all, particularly AEIII, NBII andABIII as the main gibberellins in the axes, were contained muchmore abundantly in the tall axes. In both axes the gibberellinactivities of most fractions decreased during germination.Theamounts of some gibberellins in tall axes without cotyledonswere greater than those in axes with cotyledons at 48–72hr of germination. Neither AMO-1618 nor CCC caused significantreduction in the levels of the gibberellins. Axis growth inthe early germinating period depended on the gibberellins storedin the axis, itself. (Received November 26, 1974; )
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