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The Fine Structure of the Trophont and Stages in Telotroch Formation in Circolagenophrys ampulla (Ciliophora,Peritrichida)1
Abstract:ABSTRACT. Ultrastructural studies of the trophont of the epizooic loricate peritrich, Circolagenophrys ampulla, show that the body conforms to the basic peritrich pattern. The lorica is dome-shaped, and the trophont is joined to it by attachment organelles. A single row of barren aboral kinetosomes is present. In telotroch formation, as cytokinesis proceeds, a band of aboral kinetosomes develops, running posteroventrally in an arc from the base of the epistomial disc. In one instance, postciliary microtubules were seen associated with the kinetosomes of the adoral polykinety in a dividing organism. In the fully developed telotroch there are several distinctive structures. In the midaboral region there is a scopula with numerous barren kinetosomes in the epiplasm underlying the pellicle. Surrounding the rim of the aboral surface is a tripartite fringe which overlies the base of the aboral ciliary girdle. The outer layer of this fringe contains regularly spaced electron-dense striations and the middle region contains microfilaments. The aboral ciliary girdle forms a complete ring. It is composed of diagonal rows of kinetosomes, 8–9 in each row. Striated fibers run between the rows of kinetosomes. They bend at the ends of the rows and continue for some distance below the outer rim of the aboral surface. Running beside each striated fiber is a band of paracrystalline material. Several distinctive structures are associated with the kinetosomes and striated fibers of the aboral girdle. In the telotroch many of the adoral cilia are absent but the adoral kinetosomes are still present. The possible functions of the specializations of the aboral surface in settlement of the telotroch, and the relationship between telotroch formation and the molting behavior of the crustacean host are discussed.
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