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Male reproductive success and sexual selection in northern water snakes determined by microsatellite DNA analysis
Authors:Weatherhead, Patrick J.   Prosser, Melanie R.   Gibbs, H. Lisle   Brown, Gregory P.
Affiliation:a Department of Biology, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada b Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada
Abstract:Male northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) have high variancein reproductive success relative to females. We used DNA-basedpaternity analyses from a 3-year study of two marsh populationsof water snakes to investigate the factors that contributeto variation in male success. Male traits investigated includedbody size, condition, tail length, home range size, activityduring the mating season, and genetic profile (genetic similarityto females, heterozygosity, and genetic variability [d2]).We successfully assigned > 80% of offspring to sires froma sample of 811 offspring from 45 litters. Male reproductivesuccess did not vary significantly with body size, tail length,condition, home range size, or the number of microsatelliteloci at which males were heterozygous, nor with other featuresof their genetic profiles. However, we found evidence of positiveassortative mating by size in the marsh in which receptive femaleswere not spatially clumped. Also, males that were most activeduring the mating season were more successful, particularlywhere females were not clumped. We failed to find evidenceof selection acting on male size through variance in reproductivesuccess, indicating that sexual selection does not have animportant influence on sexual size dimorphism in this species(males are smaller than females). We propose that males aresmaller than females because the lack of advantage to largesize allows males to adopt a low-energy, low-growth strategythat reduces their risk of predation outside the mating season.
Keywords:assortative mating   DNA loci   heterozygosity   microsatellites   Nerodia sipedon   northern water snake   paternity analysis   sexual selection   sexual size dimorphism.
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