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引用本文:祁诚进 刘贤铭. 无忧花茸毒蛾的生物学习性[J]. 昆虫知识, 1999, 36(5): 288-292
作者姓名:祁诚进 刘贤铭
作者单位:[1]山东省林业科学研究所 [2]山东省单县林业局
摘    要:无忧花茸毒蛾(Dasychira horsfieldi Saunders)在山东1年发生3代,以蛹越冬。翌年4月中、下旬成虫羽化、产卵,幼虫6~7龄,一生可食泡桐叶片1~2.6片(250-650cm~2)。各虫态历期分别为:卵10~22天;幼虫25~50天;蛹8~15天(越冬蛹160-180天)。其生长发育受寄主植物,空气温、湿度的影响,种群数量的消长则受天敌、降雨和冬季低温的制约。防治可采用在树干基部打孔注入内吸农药,既不伤害天敌,也可减少对环境的污染。

关 键 词:无忧花茸毒蛾  生物学  防治

Bionomics of Dssychira horsfieldi Saunders.
QI Cheng-Jin,ZHANG Ke-Qun. Bionomics of Dssychira horsfieldi Saunders.[J]. Entomological Knowledge, 1999, 36(5): 288-292
Authors:QI Cheng-Jin  ZHANG Ke-Qun
Abstract:There are 3 generations for Dasychira horsfieldi Saunders in a year, it overtvineers in chrysalis. Then imago emergences and lays eggs during middle and late April next year. Its larvae last 6 - 7 instars, eating l-2.6(250- 650cm~2 ) paulownia leaf in the life.The durations of different states of the insect are: eggs 10 - 22 days,larva 25 - 50 days, chrysalis 8 - 15 days (over winter 160-180 days). Its growth and development is effected by parasitic plants, air temperture and huminity, and the its community is influenced by natural enemy, rainfall and low temperature in winter.The control method feasihle is to insert inter-absorb chemicals in the hole around trunk basea ,which does not hurt natural enemy,and reduces pollution to environment.
Keywords:Dasychira horsfieldi Saunders   biology  control
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