Abstract: | The Medical Research Council of Canada has initiated human growth hormone (hGH) therapy in 151 patients with documented complete hGH deficiency that was idiopathic in 76% of cases, secondary to craniopharyngioma (organic) in 17% and of varied cause in 7%. Approximately 50% of the patients with idiopathic disease had isolated hGH deficiency; during therapy thyroid deficiency developed in five patients and cortisol deficiency in three. A similar increase in mean height velocity occurred in the first treatment phase for patients less than 12 years old (0.93 plus or minus 0.30 cm/mo) and those 12 years and older (0.86 plus or minus 0.29 cm/mo). Although subsequent courses of hGH therapy yielded significantly diminished response in both age groups, this diminution was not progressive: the height velocity of the younger patients returned to 0.82 plus or minus 0.26 cm/ml in the fifth therapy phase. The mean height velocity attained at the optimal dosage (0.20 to 0.29 units/kg three times per week) for each age group did not differ significantly. Despite therapy being carried out for only 6 months of the year, normal increment ratios for height age and bone age against chronologic age were observed in the patients with idiopathic disease. In only four patients did treatment failure occur, and three of these were more than 20 years old. The addition of fluoxymesterone (10 mg/d) to the hGH therapeutic regimen (15 units/wk), when diminished response to hGH alone became evident, promoted an enhanced growth response in 9 of 11 older patients. These data indicate that age of the patient and dosage of hGH, but not diagnostic category, were important influences on the response to therapy. Younger patients responded best and maintained a higher mean growth velocity than older patients during intermittent hGH therapy |