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Red and blue light-stimulated proton efflux by epidermal leaf cells of the Argenteum mutant of Pisum sativum
Authors:Staal, Marten   Elzenga, J. Theo M.   van Elk, Alette G.   Prins, Hidde B.A.   Van Volkenburgh, Elizabeth
Abstract:Light stimulates leaf expansion in dicotyledons by increasingapoplastic acidification, cell wall loosening and solute accumulationfor turgor maintenance. Red and blue light enhance growth viadifferent photo-systems, but the cellular location and modesof action of these systems is not known. Here, the effect of red and blue light was studied on transportprocesses in epidermal cells of expanding leaves of the Argenteummutant of Pisum satlvum. Both red and blue light caused extraceiiuiaracidification by isolated epidermal tissue, which was stimulatedby extracellular K+ and inhibited by DCCD at 0.1 mol m–3.Acidification induced by red compared with blue light showeddifferent saturating kinetics in fluence rate-response curves.Under near saturating light conditions the effects of red andblue light were additive. The red light-induced acidificationwas inhibited by far-red light while the blue light-inducedacidification was not. Light caused a hyperpoianzation of themembrane potential in epidermal strips, and stimulated 86Rb+uptake by epidermal protoplasts. These results show that phytochromeand an additional blue light-photoreceptor function in isolatedepidermal cells to promote proton efflux, hyperpolarization,and cation uptake. Key words: Pisum sativum, light-induced acidification, ion transport, epidermis, photoreceptor
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