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Photoperiod- and temperature-dependent regulation of pupal beige/black polymorphism in the small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas daimio Seitz
Authors:Usui Yumi  Yamanaka Akira  Islam A T M Fayezul  Shahjahan Reza  Endo Katsuhiko
Affiliation:Environmental Biology Laboratory, Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan.
Abstract:The small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas daimio, has pupal beige/black polymorphism, the development of which is found to be controlled in an apparent association with the development of adult seasonal polymorphism (spring and summer morphs) by photoperiod and temperature in the larval stages. That is, the pupae of beige and black types developed under long-day and short-day conditions tend to develop into brown-winged and red-winged adults, respectively. In addition, a large proportion of long-day pharate pupae chilled at 4 degrees C for 5 days were observed to develop into pupae whose head-thoracic complexes and abdomens were judged to be of the black and intermediate types, respectively. They developed into adults with redder wings as compared to those obtained from unchilled pupae. The results indicate that the physiological mechanism underlying the photoperiodic control of the development of adult seasonal polymorphism may also play a significant role in the determination of pupal beige/black polymorphism in L. phlaeas daimio. Furthermore, cuticle melanization was found to be induced in the head-thoracic complexes of pupae by chilling of the pharate pupae. Melanization of pupal cuticle seems to occur in a close association with the development of reddish-winged adults.
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