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Developmental Responses to Drought and Abscisic Acid in Sunflower Roots: I. ROOT GROWTH, APICAL ANATOMY, OSMOTIC ADJUSTMENT
Abstract:Aeroponically grown sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.cv. Russian Giant) were droughted or treated with abscisic acid(ABA) for 7 d. Drought stress prompted a three-phase growthresponse in sunflower roots: an initial phase of increased rootelongation was followed by a period of almost complete inhibitionbetween about 6 h and 72 h; this was followed, in turn, by aphase of partial recovery in the rate of root elongation. Droughtdecreased the size of the apical meristem as cells in the proximalregion of the meristem vacuolated and elongated. Root-to-shootbiomass ratios (R:S) increased initially but declined after72 h. Drought stress decreased water potential ({Phi}) and osmoticpotential ({Phi} BORDER= and increased turgor pressure {Phi}p in the apical 30mm of the roots. These initial changes were transitory, lastingabout 3 h. Thereafter, {Phi} and {Phi} BORDER= began to rise; {Phi}p fell back to controllevels. In the later stages of treatment, {Phi} fell as the stressgrew more severe, but fp was maintained by osmotic adjustment.Desiccation for 1 h increased turgor pressures in excised 30mm apical segments. The transitory increase in root elongationwas contemporary with the initial rise in {Phi}p in the root apices,while the periods of greatest inhibition and partial recoveryin root elongation were contemporary with the periods of declineand partial recovery in the length of the apical meristem respectively.The inhibition of root elongation and the anatomical changesin the root apices were not determined by loss of turgor orlack of photosynthate, but rather appeared to be an active responseby the meristem to a drop in external {Phi}. Treatment with ABA triggeredmany of the same changes as drought stress: ABA promoted a three-phasegrowth response, increased R:S, triggered the same initial changesin {Phi}, {Phi} BORDER=, and {Phi}p, increased {Phi}p in excised 3.0 mm apical segments,and induced the same pattern of anatomical changes in the rootapices as drought stress. It is proposed that ABA mediates drought-inducedchanges in the primary development of sunflower roots. Key words: Abscisic acid, apical meristem, drought, osmotic adjustmen
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