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Understanding the regulation and function of adult neurogenesis: contribution from an insect model, the house cricket
Authors:Cayre Myriam  Scotto-Lomassese Sophie  Malaterre Jordane  Strambi Colette  Strambi Alain
Affiliation:Institut de Biologie du Developpement de Marseille Luminy, CNRS Parc scientifique de Luminy, case 907, 13288 Marseille, cedex 09, France. cayre@ibdml.univ-mrs.fr
Abstract:Since the discovery of adult neurogenesis, a major issue is the role of newborn neurons and the function-dependent regulation of adult neurogenesis. We decided to use an animal model with a relatively simple brain to address these questions. In the adult cricket brain as in mammals, new neurons are produced throughout life. This neurogenesis occurs in the main integrative centers of the insect brain, the mushroom bodies (MBs), where the neuroblasts responsible for their formation persist after the imaginal molt. The rate of production of new neurons is controlled not only by internal cues such as morphogenetic hormones but also by external environmental cues. Adult crickets reared in an enriched sensory environment experienced an increase in neuroblast proliferation as compared with crickets reared in an impoverished environment. In addition, unilateral sensory deprivation led to reduced neurogenesis in the MB ipsilateral to the lesion. In search of a functional role for the new cells, we specifically ablated MB neuroblasts in young adults using brain-focused gamma ray irradiation. We developed a learning paradigm adapted to the cricket, which we call the "escape paradigm." Using this operant associative learning test, we showed that crickets lacking neurogenesis exhibited delayed learning and reduced memory retention of the task when olfactory cues were used. Our results suggest that environmental cues are able to influence adult neurogenesis and that, in turn, newly generated neurons participate in olfactory integration, optimizing learning abilities of the animal, and thus its adaptation to its environment. Nevertheless, odor learning in adult insects cannot always be attributed to newly born neurons because neurogenesis is completed earlier in development in many insect species. In addition, many of the irradiated crickets performed significantly better than chance on the operant learning task.
Keywords:Acheta domesticus   insect   learning and memory   mushroom body   neurogenesis   olfaction
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