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Identification and characterization of neuroblasts in the subventricular zone and rostral migratory stream of the adult human brain
Authors:Wang Congmin  Liu Fang  Liu Ying-Ying  Zhao Cai-Hong  You Yan  Wang Lei  Zhang Jingxiao  Wei Bin  Ma Tong  Zhang Qiangqiang  Zhang Yue  Chen Rui  Song Hongjun  Yang Zhengang
Affiliation:Institutes of Brain Science and State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, 138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China.
Abstract:It is of great interest to identify new neurons in the adult human brain, but the persistence of neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the existence of the rostral migratory stream (RMS)-like pathway in the adult human forebrain remain highly controversial. In the present study, we have described the general configuration of the RMS in adult monkey, fetal human and adult human brains. We provide evidence that neuroblasts exist continuously in the anterior ventral SVZ and RMS of the adult human brain. The neuroblasts appear singly or in pairs without forming chains; they exhibit migratory morphologies and co-express the immature neuronal markers doublecortin, polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule and βIII-tubulin. Few of these neuroblasts appear to be actively proliferating in the anterior ventral SVZ but none in the RMS, indicating that neuroblasts distributed along the RMS are most likely derived from the ventral SVZ. Interestingly, no neuroblasts are found in the adult human olfactory bulb. Taken together, our data suggest that the SVZ maintains the ability to produce neuroblasts in the adult human brain.
Keywords:human   rhesus monkey   stem cells   neurogenesis   neuroblasts   subventricular zone   rostral migratory stream
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