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Distribution of electric potential and ion transport in the hypocotyl of Vigna sesquipedalis I. Distribution of overall ion concentration and the role of hydrogen ion in generation of potential difference
Affiliation:Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan
Abstract:Overall concentration of free inorganic ions distributes inthe hypocotyl of a bean seedling {Vigna sesquipedalis) at aconstant level (H+) or decreases monotonously from the cotyledonarynode towards the base (K+, Na+, Ca++ and Mg++, phosphate, NO3–).According to our theory, this is inconsistent with the distributionof electric potential having a definite minimum in the elongatingregion. The discrepancy can not be explained by regional variancein radial potential difference or histological differentiationin passive ionic permeability of the cell membrane. Short circuitcurrent observed through a hypocotyl segment corresponded toa net flux in ions of 10–24 pEq/cm2.sec. It is questionable,however, whether this is due to active ion transport, whichcan be the source of electric potential difference, or is apassive flow due to histological heterogeneity in ion concentration. In order to investigate the latter possibility, pH of sap exudingfrom stumps made at various intervals along the hypocotyl axiswas measured, since H+ is the ion electro-osmotically most effective.pH Values of acropetal exudates distributed along the axis closelycorresponding to the distribution of electric potential. Thissuggests that potential distribution is determined by a passiveflow of H+ through a specific channel in the vascular system.The fact that H+ production and the uptake of ions and waterare most active at the elongating zone of hypocotyl is discussedfrom a physiological point of view. (Received December 3, 1969; )
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